Saturday, January 30, 2010

Postcard Letters About Holidays O.K. Let Me Re-word The Q. I Want To Know What Items Of Letters, Postcards, And Holiday Cards To Get Rid Of?

O.K. let me re-word the Q. I want to know what items of letters, postcards, and holiday cards to get rid of? - postcard letters about holidays

Suggestions? Q How ready before me, the reactions of people to save everything! I will not live all the clutter of paper to buy or in the past. I want to keep only those elements that are important and get rid of the rest. I would like suggestions from people who want to be perhaps a little sentimental, but organized and clutter free.
Thank you --
PS I have psychology this time, because in many ways a psychological problem.


Nals said...

Well, I usually get rid of holiday cards because it receives each year, so this is something really special for you a Christmas card for a special occasion that I will throw alll. I would like also to free postcards of most of the time, unless it is still there is something special in itself. And usually hold only important letters from people who are important, not the useless really no value and only by chance and asks, 'Hey, how are you, and so on. People often the things that have value and it is from person to person, so consider what you think are special and get rid of them does not mean that I am very thankful.

I hope that helps lol

Pattycat said...

I would say to throw cards that can speak every day and are not historical, ie, photos of family members not to replace letters in which you feel sentimental value. To say a letter or a card from someone, hello probably not worth the attitude or the signatories, it was only love.
It is a decision that has to be done eventually.

Pattycat said...

I would say to throw cards that can speak every day and are not historical, ie, photos of family members not to replace letters in which you feel sentimental value. To say a letter or a card from someone, hello probably not worth the attitude or the signatories, it was only love.
It is a decision that has to be done eventually.

Pattycat said...

I would say to throw cards that can speak every day and are not historical, ie, photos of family members not to replace letters in which you feel sentimental value. To say a letter or a card from someone, hello probably not worth the attitude or the signatories, it was only love.
It is a decision that has to be done eventually.

SmartE said...

Read them all and keep those that affect the real and do not discard this.

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