Monday, February 1, 2010

What Does Hpv Feel Like How Do You Feel About The HPV Vaccine?

How do you feel about the HPV Vaccine? - what does hpv feel like

Some people think it is a good way to avoid certain types of cancer of the cervix and is a health issue that people should take seriously (4,000 women die of cervical cancer this year - by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). But some people believe that this will lead to sexual activity among adolescents. Also, some people are afraid of what the long-term effects of the May or, if necessary. In the magazine "First - For women who are in motion, a woman from Florida, said in a survey that promote" sexual activity rather than a tetanus shot encourages children to step rusty nails "(18 June 2007 Issue , page 6). What are your thoughts and opinions?


Alli said...

I do not think that encouraging young people, have more sex than usual. HPV is not the only STD out there, to say nothing of the pregnancy. Most teenagers have sex, despite all the warnings about STDs and pregnancy.

I think the vaccine is great! However, I am a little worried about side effects long term. I believe, to the vaccine itself (although I know it will have received my healing HPV), but I want to see how some people react to long term.

Personally, I have HPV right after his 17th Birthday. I developed cancer of the cervix and genital warts from it. I did not have cancer of the cervix anyone! This was one of the most painful and moving my whole life. My parents were totally destroyed, to see how I'm his only woman. And now there is a vaccine to prevent, so why do not you? It can prevent the development of cervical cancer of the uterus and perhaps die for them! Not to mention, it can also prevent genital warts.

tessasmo... said...

Injection Great! It will save lives. It causes no girls are sexually active. It is only an injection to prevent a potentially fatal disease.

Jessica . said...

I think if was some form of a shot from the sexual activity of the contraceptive injection lead (the pill or elsewhere) to. I do not think that promote sexual activity at all. Put simply, the awareness out there that there are diseases that can get from sex and to promote the protection of (hopefully). I agree with the vaccine against HPV, but I think you should be aware that the vaccine works only against certain types of HPV.
I think there is a vaccine like the vaccine against hepatitis. The problem is this?

goolsby3... said...

Any weapon in the fight against cancer by using acetaminophen.

BAL said...

"Promiscuous" is not a rational argument.

Anyone who believes that the eradication of venereal diseases, as we still have AIDS, herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital warts and other unpleasant side effects, a kind of "consent" to sex an activity must be a dream. Parents should talk to your children about this subject, not to say that it does not exist.

Golfswee... said...

I think the vaccine is a good way to prevent cervical cancer. I do not understand why people say inscrease sexual activity of children and adolescents had had sex before the vaccine, why the difference? It is safer that way. and have, if that is what the parents' concerns, they should have talked to their children about sex, and keep an eye on them.
I do not think there are long-term effects. just like any other vaccine may have. Who is the vaccine

Laura J said...

Recently, 2006, Texas was required to inject our daughters 6 with two strains of human papilloma virus, three times every six months. Only in 2007, was beaten and deferred entry until 2011.

There are many different strains of the virus and Merckx study showed that two strains are used. The study has also long a period of three years ago. Few adults have a 17% decrease in serum detected the virus in the blood, not exclude, however, the adults in the study who had the virus.

The problem is that Merck is too fast, without showing sufficient evidence that this vaccine is effective and can cause damage. Continue to influence state legislation to this vaccination mandatory in all states, such as the MMR vaccine, which is an exact correlation and timing of the epidemic of autism.

In order to link resources with videos that explain the controversy of vaccines that are very impressive. ...

rec girl said...

Yes, I agree with the person you mention. I have my children are not vaccinated, why? I want to protect anyhting and everything is possible.

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